Sunday, January 5, 2020

Saving Your Small Business Free Resources - Spark Hire

Saving Your Small Business Free Resources - Spark HireLike other small geschftlicher umgang owners, you may feel as if youve spent the last few years in a pool treading water, trying to stay afloat. Thats not to say that your geschftliches miteinander has been failing but it hasnt been exactly easy to keep your head above water.Several organizations and companies are working to dish out life preservers to those resilient small businesses who have managed to survive. From hiring to new employee training, free small business resources are available to keep them from sinking.HiringIf you lack staff dedicated to finding and recruiting new hires to your small business, youre not alone. Whats more, you dont have the financial resources to utilize a talent acquisition company. So what options do you have?Well, it may not be fancy or particularly professional, but that doesnt stop Fortune 500 companies from utilizing the same free resources for hiring social media. From Facebook to Twitter, many companies out there are forming a dedicated job seeker audience and now, you can do the same.Its easy. Set up a company profile on Facebook or Twitter, mobilize a following and start posting job opportunities with your small business. Set aside time each day to go over that days resumes and cover letters, find befhigung candidates that excite you and set up an interview. What used to take hours and money will now be free and easy for your business.TrainingNew hires report that theyre more likely to stay at a new job if theyre equipped with the right training and skills as soon as they begin. But for small businesses, this is a struggle. Again, its a time and money issue.Now, there are small business resources that do the training for you at no cost. The Small Business Administration has established Small Business Technology and Development Centers around the country, which work to equip small business employees with the tools they need in todays economy and workforce.Topics va ry by day and location, but small business new hires can learn how to write business proposals, create marketing and manage finances, according to TIME.Software and MentorsWhile software and mentors dont necessarily appeal to your new hire strategy, they still apply to your small business at large. Save on your small business costs from this list, compiled by Datamation. After youve upgraded your small business best practices, find a mentor from SCORE, or Service Corp of Retired Executives.TIME reports that this organization of former business execs is composed of over 13,000 working and retired professionals who represent 62 industries and over 500 skills. Your small business, new hires and long-time employees alike, can benefit from workshops, online tools and templates.When it comes to hiring and running your small business, put your money where it belongs into the product. With the free small business resources at your disposal, youll find that the water is quite nice. Its your turn to relax and bask in your small business success for a time.What do you think of these free resources for your small business? Spark a conversation below.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How To Submit Your Job Resignation Professionally

How To Submit Your Job Resignation ProfessionallyHow To Submit Your Job Resignation ProfessionallyWhen you turn in your resignation, you terminate or end your employment with your current employer. This resignation is your official notice that you are ending your employment relationship. Often submitted verbally to the person who is your boss or manager, you will also need to submit your employment resignation in writing. Thats because your employer will want the official resignation in writing for future reference. Why Human Resources Needs Your Letter on File Your human resources department will also want a copy of your written resignation to keep in your personnel file. This enables them to keep a historical record of why you are no longer with the company. This is done to protect the company if you should change your mind, apply for unemployment benefits, or file a lawsuit about termination for any reason in the future. This way, HR will have the appropriate documentation sho wing that you tendered your resignation and that your departure was not the companys choice or doing. Your Resignation Can Be an Opportunity to Build Your Professional Image Your resignation is not a negative thing. On the contrary, it is an opportunity tobuild your image and personal brandas a qualified, well-thought-of employee. Of course, your resignation must be straightforward, positive, and professional in nature. Never forget that your resignation, submitted in the form of a resignation letter, becomes a permanent addition to your employment file and numerous people will have access to it. Keep Your Negative Thoughts to Yourself Keep your resignation brief and to-the-point. You dont want to mention how bad you believe your boss treated you, how much you disliked your colleagues, or that your company acted in an unprofessional manner with customers. You had the opportunity to share anything that you had to say about your job, yourmanager, your colleagues, and the compa ny while you were employed- specifically during your annual review. It makes no sense to share criticisms when you resign when nothing can be done about it. Criticism at this point will only leave a bad impression that will likely outlast your tenure with the firm. Think About Your Future You have no idea how or when your path may cross with your current manager or your current deskmate who may someday be in a punkt to hire you. You also need to consider that the HR person youre dealing with today may be in a position to re-hire you, should another (more suitable or better paying) position open up at the company. You always want to leave HR with a positive feeling about how you comport yourself. What Should You Include in Your Resignation? Yourresignation needs to include your final date of employment which should provide, at a minimum, two weeks notice. No other content is required in a resignation letter, although you may want to politely thank your employer for the opport unities that he or she provided you. You may also want to offer your assistance during the transition phase when your replacement is being trained. Who better to train this person than you? Despite the urge to vent or be honest, never state a negative reason for your resignation. If youre wondering how to resignfrom your job, there are acceptable reasons for resigning which could include you are leaving because your spouse has received an opportunity too good to pass up that is out-of-stateyou are resigning to go back to school full timeyou are leaving to pursue a new opportunity Of course, you need to be honest. So, if the first two reasons are not accurate you can always state the last reason, ?whether or not you have a new job. If you do everything right, your resignation will unfold as an opportunity, not just an ending.